to Resources
Resources - Mailing Lists & Newsgroups
For alumni and staff of Alliance Academy
owner: owner-aalist@mknet.org (Donna Carter)
list: aalist@mknet.org
subscribe: http://aalist_ec.tripod.com/aalist.html
For MKs/expats/natives from Irian Jaya
Distribution of news on Irian Jaya.
list: berita-irian@irja.org
subscribe: http://www.irja.org/conf.htm
see also: Kabar-Irian list (described below)
An e-mail conference of on-going dialogue between
alumni and friends of CAJ. The frequency of messages
varies, but it is usually low.
subscribe: http://caj.or.jp/alumni/subscribing.html
An announcement-only list that will give you all manner
of information about CAJ: the latest special events, news,
sports activities--even the lunch menu! The frequency of
announcements is one per week or less.
subscribe: http://caj.or.jp/alumni/subscribing.html
For alumni of Hillcrest School, Jos, Nigeria.
owner: owner-hillcrest-l@mknet.org (J. David Johntston)
list: hillcrest-l@mknet.org
subscribe: hub@mknet.org, body "subscribe hillcrest-l"
For MKs/expats/native from Irian Jaya
General chat conference.
list: kabar-irian@irja.org
subscribe: http://www.irja.org/conf.htm
see also: Berita-Irian list (described above)
For alumni of Kent Academy, Nigeria.
owner: owner-kent-academy@mknet.org
list: kent-academy@mknet.org
subscribe: hub@mknet.org, body "subscribe kent-academy"
For MKs and others interested in issues relating to MKs.
owner: mk-issues-owner@mknet.org
list: mk-issues@mknet.org
subscribe: mk-issues-request@mknet.org, body "subscribe"
For all MKs, TCKs, Embassy Kids, Army Brats, etc.
Hangout for MKs and such.
owner: mknet-owner@mknet.org
list: mknet@mknet.org
subscribe: mknet-request@mknet.org, body "subscribe"
MK-Net Admin
Planning/designing team for MK Connection web pages and
mknet.org operation in general (everyone welcome)
owner: admin-owner@mknet.org
list: Admin@mknet.org
subscribe: admin-request@mknet.org, body "subscribe"
For MKs/TCKs with a background in Nigeria
owner: pwhirley@phoenix.net (Philip Whirley)
list: mk-nigeria@mknet.org
subscribe: hub@mknet.org, body "subscribe mk-nigeria"
Missionary Daughters eGroup
A fellowship group for for Christian women who lived overseas
during their growing-up years. See Web page for more details.
owner: christa_r_k@hotmail.com (Christa Rucker)
list: missionary-daughters@yahoogroups.com
subscribe: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/missionary-daughters/
Murree Christian School (ALUMNI-ML)
For alumni, etc, from Murree Christian School in Pakistan
owner: stewart@hagishunt.win-uk.net (Stewart McKee)
list: alumni-ml@hagishunt.win-uk.net
subscribe: listserv@hagishunt.win-uk.net, body "join alumni-ml"
RVA OnCampus
For alumni, staff, faculty, students and friends of the
Rift Valley Academy (mainly news-related posts)
owner: owner-oncampus@rva.org (Nathaniel Hekman)
subscribe: oncampus@rva.org, body "subscribe oncampus"
RVA Alumni
For alumni, staff, faculty and students of the Rift Valley Academy.
owner: owner-alumni@rva.org (Nathaniel Hekman)
list: alumni@rva.org
subscribe: hub@rva.org, body "subscribe alumni"
A Christian MK discussion group. See web page for more details.
owner: chandrarae@yahoo.com (Chandra Vincent)
list: wwmks@yahoogroups.com
subscribe: http://groups.yahoo.com/community/WWMKS
For people who are part of more than one culture (including TCKs).